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Lina with Marieann Meringolo
Anyone who has witnessed the consummate talent of Lina Koutrakos recognizes that she is indeed a force - a persistent Pied Piper presence who with both heart and skill subtly drives home messages teeming with universal empowerment. From Singer / Songwriter to Director / Performance Coach Koutrakos' authenticity inspires nothing short of the same in others.
Anyone who has witnessed the consummate talent of Lina Koutrakos recognizes that she is indeed a force - a persistent Pied Piper presence who with both heart and skill subtly drives home messages teeming with universal empowerment. From Singer / Songwriter to Director / Performance Coach Koutrakos' authenticity inspires nothing short of the same in others.
Anyone who has witnessed the consummate talent of Lina Koutrakos recognizes that she is indeed a force - a persistent Pied Piper presence who with both heart and skill subtly drives home messages teeming with universal empowerment. From Singer / Songwriter to Director / Performance Coach Koutrakos' authenticity inspires nothing short of the same in others.
P e r f o r m a n c e W o r k s h o p s
O n l i n e M a s t e r C l a s s e s
S i n g e r / D i r e c t o r / S o n g w r i t e r
Anyone who has witnessed the consummate talent of Lina Koutrakos recognizes that she is indeed a force - a persistent Pied Piper presence who with both heart and skill subtly drives home messages teeming with universal empowerment. From Singer / Songwriter to Director / Performance Coach Koutrakos' authenticity inspires nothing short of the same in others.
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